July through September we will continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th weekends. . . However, there will be a change to the day of week and time:
On the second weekend we will gather as usual on Sunday afternoon at 3:00 pm for class time, some dance &/or Zikr followed by potluck for those who can stay for community fellowship.
On the fourth weekend we will meet for Zikr on Saturday at 7 pm.
Early Potluck is now Optional – knowing that some folks travel an hour or two to arrive, anyone is welcome to bring potluck and arrive around 5:30-6:00 pm for connecting with each other and sharing a meal…..Zikr will start promptly at 7:00 PM!
Upcoming regularly scheduled meeting dates at Heartsong will be:
Sunday Aug 9th (starting at 3:00 in Shrine with potluck to follow)
Saturday Aug 22 (scheduled zikr in shrine at 7:00 but welcome to come early for potluck at around 5:30-ish).
Sunday Sept 13 (starting at 3:00 in Shrine with potluck to follow).