
Annual Solstice Celebration

Heartsong Retreat Center will host the annual Summer Solstice Celebration at Heartsong starting Saturday, June 22 thru Sunday, June 23 2019.

Come join us for Dances of Universal Peace, Zikr, walking in nature, and FUN!

Heartsong Retreat Center will host the annual Summer Solstice Celebration at Heartsong starting Saturday, June 22 thru Sunday, June 23 2019.  Come join us for Dances of Universal Peace, Zikr, walking in nature, and FUN!

As well as tenting space, we now have cabins, but space is limited. 

We request that everyone bring some food for the event, so please phone Khusrou to find out what to bring and for more information —  870-861-5812.  Cost is by donation to cover utilities.

Annual Summer Solstice Celebration – Come, Come, Whoever you are….